Monday, October 20, 2014

Third Graders Get Colorful With Color Theory!

Third grade has been learning about COLOR THEORY and a very important artist tool... the color wheel! They first began by creating their radial designs and then explored the importance of the order of colors on the color wheel and their relationships.

The first family of colors we explored (and the most important) was the PRIMARY color family. Ask your third grader why primary colors are so important! Next, we focused on SECONDARY colors and experimented with mixing two primary colors together to see what secondary color would be created. As a class, we looked at where the secondary colors were located in relation to the primary colors on the color wheel. Finally, we began talking about those crazy INTERMEDIATE colors and learned how to mix our primary and secondary colors to create these special hues. Ask your third grader if they can name some intermediate colors for you! Take a look at these beautiful radial rainbows being created!

I am so excited to see these complete and brightening up our BES Main Hall Art Gallery!

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